Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Tea Party is here..

Long term corrupted politicians are the reason why America is in this mess. These corrupt politicians are the reason Congress is so reviled by the American people.

Now comes on the stage : KARL ROVE

Rove was so upset with Christine O’Donnell’s 9-14-2010 victory, that he put a match to a bonfire on her life with FOX on-camera. He declared that she has no chance whatsoever of this November. Karl Rove thinks of Christine O’Donnell as a babe-destroyer of the RNC. And then came the Republican executive Insiders who declared within moments of O’Donnell’s victory that the Republican Party would not finance her campaign to win the Delaware Senate Seat. Hello---She is the RNC party’s choice.

This is saying what everyone who is a political outside is thinking; that this is all about the insider politicians, and not about the people who elect them. These people were major players in the Bush White House when George W Bush increased the size of government. Spent like a Democrat. And didn’t do what had to be done to stop Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae before they collapsed the American economy.

After Castle’s defeat, one of his key organizers came out and said that Christine O’Donnell cannot expect any support from Castle and his people since O’Donnell already has the support of Palin. With Palin supporting O’Donnell, why the hell would she need the “RINO” Castle? What Rove doesn’t seem to understand, is that their favorite (Liberal) “RINO” candidate lost by a fair election to a candidate the people wanted. This was not a rigged election.

So now the message from Rove is. It is screw the people and what the voters want! The good news, is that this kind of attack on Christine O’Donnell from insiders, will galvanize an army of people who will come to her side and do whatever they can to get her elected, if for no other reason other than to prove that the people really do want Conservative change, and that it’s time to throw the corrupted bums in both party’s out!

Yes, this November be a rout for the Republicans over the Democrats, it will also be a rout for Center-Right Conservatives over the so-called “RINO” Republicans.

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